Our collaborative partnerships
KTA works with industry experts in multiple domains to ensure that the training we provide is relevant, realistic and current. We have provided services to government, industry and the emergent technology sectors. See below the teaming arangements we have in place.
KTA Works with its sister company, Klepper Professional Services (KPS) to provide training analysis, implementation and evaluation services to the Australian Department of Defence, Australian Government and Defence Industry Clients.Â
Klepper provides high quality, reliable and affordable resources to resolve complex and challenging strategic issues faced by the nation.

Reinforce Solutions is an end to end job placement provider specialising in developing job pipelines for ex-serving Defence and first responder personnel.
KTA works with Reinforce to analyse, design develop and deliver a bespoke training package focusing on the tourism sector to fill critical workforce shortages with qualified and experienced teams of people.
JY Australia facilitates the Indigineous Development and Emplyment Program (IDEP), The vision of the IDEP is:
“To be a national leader and agent for change by empowering First Nations peoples to lead for progression of culture and community.”
KTA Is proud to partner with JY Australia with the provision of Nationally Accredited Training at the Diploma and higher level.
Emu Gully provides individual and collective group development opportunities in outdoor settings at their facilities in Helidon Spa, Queensland. Catering to more that 15,000 participants a year, Emu Gully are one of Australia’s largest outdoor educators. We are proud to team up with Emu Gully to provide training and education support to their workforce.
Through the provision of Wilderness First Aid courses and Outdoor Leadership programs, we are proud to help Emu Gully achieve their continued legacy of delivering the highest quality leadership and team building programs.

Aeromech Australia is a company in the emergent composites manufacturing sector that is bringing the advnaced manufacturing processes to Australia. Aeromech is dedicated to bring advanced composites manufacturing home and bridge the gap between academia and the industry by creating opportunities for future generations of big thinkers.
KTA is supporting Aeromech in their ambitions to bring composites manufacturing into the mainstream of options available to Australian manufacturers for accessing advanced techniques and training.

Outdoors Queensland is the peak body for the outdoors and outdoor activities in Queensland, and affirms the value of outdoor activity in all its various forms. We encourage all people to get outdoors and into outdoor activity.
Formerly known as QORF, the Queensland Outdoor Recreation Federation, the organisation was formed in 1996 as a not-for-profit association representing a coalition of outdoor recreation groups to advocate on behalf of the industry.
Outdoors Queensland provides opportunities for outdoor recreation users at all levels to share ideas, discuss issues, network, influence policy and promote outdoor recreation.